Crane Pumps and Systems’Barnes brand EcoTRAN residential basin package is designed for pressuresewer systems. The system preserves groundwater ecology by collectingand grinding residential sewage in an underground basin andtransmitting the waste under pressure to a remote private or municipalwaste treatment plant. Pressure sewer systems provide an economicalsewering solution for waterfront, hilly, remote, or otherwisechallenging properties. Preinstalled, epoxy-coated rebar simplifiesballasting and, regardless of the depth, requires only 1/3 yard ofconcrete to set in place. Three inlet positions provide piping locationflexibility. ‘, 0, "", ‘Crane Pumps and Systems’, 6678, ‘Pressure Sewer System’, 1, ‘
Crane Pumps and Systems’ Barnes brand EcoTRAN residential basin package is designed for pressure sewer systems. The system preserves groundwater ecology by collecting and grinding residential sewage in an underground basin and transmitting the waste under pressure to a remote private or municipal waste treatment plant.