ITT”sFabri-Valve SV1 push-through slurry valve features the company”spatent-pending Guillotine Gate technology. Unlike traditionalknife-gate valves, the push-through slurry valve features a gate designthat slices through high-density slurry at an angle, cleanly movingthrough tough slurries to prevent the seat from cutting and tearing,while also reducing the amount of discharge from the valve. The valveis designed specifically to meet the needs of mine operators whoprocess heavy slurries and deal with high maintenance costs anddowntime concerns. The valve is available in sizes ranging fromthree-inch to 24-inch diameters (DN80 – DN600). All sizes can operateat 150 PSI (pounds per square inch) of working pressure, up to 170 F.The Design features a positive bidirectional shutoff that allows zerodownstream leakage, and the shutoff performance is not affected by lowpressure.