Flowserve Corporation”sFlowserve ValveSight is an asset management solution for integratedcontrol valves and automated quarter-turn valve packages. The offeringis designed to significantly reduce unexpected plant or processdowntime by predicting potential failure modes and prioritizingcondition-based maintenance before the performance of the workingprocess can degrade. It reduces maintenance costs associated withpreventative and break-fix activities by ensuring that actions arefocused on solving root causes and not just symptoms. The system alsoimproves safety and environmental compliance by proactively identifyingcritical issues before they occur.
The intelligent diagnostic software continuously captures richdiagnostic data from the valve, actuator, positioner, and controlsignal while the process is running and displays the data in anintuitive graphical user interface. Because the intelligence of thediagnostic software lies within the Flowserve Logix MD series ofpositioners, the system is compatible with both Flowserve andcompetitor valves. ValveSight is also available as an upgrade to mostexisting Logix 3000 series positioners. The company plans to makeValveSight available on the Flowserve Logix 500 and PMV D3 family ofpositioners in the near future, as well as the Flowserve Automax familyof smart switchboxes for quarter-turn valve packages.
Running on FDT/DTM, a globally recognized integration standard,ValveSight can be connected to a Host DCS, workstations, or any systemthat supports FDT/DTM open architecture. Due to the FDT/DTM technologystandard, the user does not need special training in order to gainimmediate benefits of the ValveSight system.