ABB Instrumentation”sOriMaster compact orifice differential-pressure flowmeter is partof the company”s new FlowMaster product line. The flowmeteris a one-piece device that comes fully factory configured andpressure tested. Suitablefor clean liquids, gases and steam applications in line sizesfrom one to eight inches (DN25 to DN200) and at pressures upto 1450 PSI (100 bar), the OriMaster combines all the majorcomponents needed for an orifice plate installation in one assembly.This eliminates the need for users to source and install a separatemanifold, transmitter and impulse piping, typically cutting the cost ofinstallation and commissioning by up to 50%. Theflowmeter”s wafer design orifice carrier assembly is designed tosimplify installation, enabling it to be fitted into an existing spacebetween standard pipe flanges with minimal disruption to thesurrounding pipework. This makes it a good fit formaintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) applications, by enabling fastand simple replacement with no cutting or welding required.