Full-Range Accuracy of +- 1%

Nov. 15, 2012

Flo-tech”s PFM6 portable hydraulic testers are designed for fast diagnostictroubleshooting of all types of mobile or stationary hydraulic systemsand components. The testers, which provide laboratory …

Flo-tech”s PFM6 portable hydraulic testers are designed for fast diagnostictroubleshooting of all types of mobile or stationary hydraulic systemsand components. The testers, which provide laboratory accuracy, are compact, durable, and self-contained. The test unit providesfull-range accuracy of +/- 1 percent with a turbine flow sensor for fastresponse. It features a large 3.5-digit LCD forboth flow and temperature, a platinum-resistancethermometer, and a swept wet well. Aone-toggle switch controls power, flow, and temperature. The load valveoffers fingertip control of pressure to 6000 PSI/414 Bar. AnotherFlo-tech model, the PFM6BD, has the same features as the PFM6,but provides in-line testing of servo systems, valves, andbi-directional motors. The PFM8 tester and dynamometer has a frontpanel for U.S. or metricreadings and a large membrane switch that selects flow,temperature, pressure, and power. It reads digital pressure to 6000PSI/414 Bar, and the dynamometer reads HP and kW directly. The lownoise input circuitry provides steadier readings when flow is pulsatingor cavitating. An auto/off automatically turns power off afterfiveminutes with no flow signal. This model also has the same features asthe PFM6.