AccusonicTechnologies”Model 797 permanent clamp-on transit-time flowmeter is acomplement to the company”s Model 787 portable clamp-on system. Themeter measures flowrate and total flow in full pipes ranging from oneinch to236 inches without pipe disturbance or pressure loss.The meter iscapable of one-path, two-path, or four-path flow measurement to reducethe effects of distorted flow profiles and cross flow. There are nomovingparts to break or wear, thus minimizing the need for regularmaintenance and repair. With an accuracy rate of +/-1 percent to 2percent, the meter isideal for high-accuracy applications in a wide range of liquids andpipe materials including ultrapure water, potable water, raw sewage,effluent, and sludge. The meter is powered by 90-264 VAC 50/60 Hz, with 24 VDC optional. Theconsole is housed in a wall-mounted enclosure rated for IP 66 andNEMA-4X areas. The keypad and display give the operator access touser-friendly menus for easy operation and diagnostics. Thetransducers are mounted to the outside of the pipe, using a clampingfixture.
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