Micro Motion”slatest generation MVD ELITE Coriolis flowmeter technology improves from+/- 0.10 percent accuracy over a 20-to-one turndown to +/- 0.05 percentmass and volume flow accuracy over a 20-to-one turndown, and up to +/-0.0002 g/cc density accuracy. For applications where precisemeasurement is critical, such as charging reactors, injectingadditives, and custody-transfer of high-value products, the performance of Coriolis meters has been seen assensitive to changing conditions, such as dramatic fluid or ambienttemperature variances or pipe stress. The new ELITE Coriolis meter withMVD technology and improved sensor design offers accurate liquid flow,gas flow, and liquid density measurements regardless of varyingoperating environments or harsh process conditions. Often with otherflow measurement technologies, including other Coriolis flowmeters, themeter performs to specification at ambient temperatures on the bench,but fails to meet the same specifications when subject to actualprocess and/or ambient conditions. The new Micro Motion ELITE meter isvirtually unaffected by ambient or process temperature changes.The stable performance means users can eliminate down time, andincrease the throughput of their operations.