ChemTreat Inc.


About ChemTreat Inc.

We are providing customers with water treatment services that maximize system effectiveness through a unique combination of outstanding high-quality quality products, and superior technical expertise.


More Info on ChemTreat Inc.

Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, ChemTreat is one of the largest and fastest-growing industrial water treatment companies in the world. Our proprietary solutions allow our customers to reduce water, chemical, and energy costs, extend asset life, improve process operations, and reduce downtime. We have expertise in a variety of industries, including automotive, food and beverage, chemical, fuel processing, metals, mining, power, pulp and paper, and textiles. We also serve commercial and institutional customers, including data centers, district energy providers, universities, government buildings, and hospitals. Our company has developed a robust product portfolio for the prevention of corrosion, scale, and bio-fouling in critical heat transfer systems and advanced polymers for industrial wastewater.

Articles & News

ID 175713912 © Aizhong Wang |
Dreamstime 175713912
Flow Measurement

Dealing with challenging flow measurements

June 19, 2020
Applications in cooling water, process water and steam measurement show how cutting-edge technology has improved the ability to monitor process flows.