Highlights from Flow Control’s September Digital Issue
Flow Control magazine’s September 2012 digital issue is now available. The September issue comes to life in this online version, allowing you to print or email stories, search using keywords, or click on advertisements and be instantly directed to vendor websites.
In the September 2012 issue, you will read about:
Greenhouse Gas Meter (Page 12)
Thermal mas flow measurement for environmental monitoring
By Tim Modders, regional manager for Fox Thermal Instruments
The Winners Are…(Page 20)
Flow Control recognizes fluid handling innovators
By Flow Control Staff
The Path to Chordal Harmony (Page 30)
Differentiating a ‘chord’ & a ‘path’ in ultrasonic flow measurement
By Jesse Yoder, Ph.D., president of Flow Research Inc.
Valve Identification & Labeling (Page 36)
Proper tagging practices eliminate guesswork, leading to safety and ease of operation
By Jack Rubinger, industrial copywriter for DuraLabel.com
In addition to these featured articles, the September issue is rounded out with regular columns by industrial flow measurement expert David W. Spitzer (i.e. Application Corner and Quiz Corner) and pumping systems expert Larry Bachus, aka “The Pump Guy.”
You’ll also find the editor’s viewpoint, news & notes, new products, and our monthly Think Tank word search. Enjoy reading the digital edition!
Access the September digital issue of Flow Control here.