5 Handy Online & Mobile Tools for Fluid Handling Pros
New Industry Blog for Flow & Level Best Practiceshttp://levelandflowsolutions.magnetrol.com/blog/Magnetrol recently launched an industry blog, covering key applications and technology issues for thermal mass flow and level measurement. The blog focuses on best practices in a range of industries.
Mobile App for Hose Assembly Replacementparker.com/ptsParker Hannifin Corporation has launched a mobile version of its Parker Tracking System® (PTS) for hose assembly replacement. PTS uses a Web-based application to generate a unique identification code that is attached to all hose assemblies. This unique code allows the user to efficiently manage and document inspection, maintenance and replacement activities. Now PTS Mobile will enable users to initiate a replacement order directly at the point and time of need right from their smartphone. PTS Mobile is available at no charge in both the Apple App Store and Android Marketplace.