Hydraulic Institute Responds to U.S. DOE Pump Efficiency Rulemaking
The pump trade association, the Hydraulic Institute, announced it intends to respond to two Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) by the United States Department of Energy for Energy Conservation Standards for Pumps. HI will respond to the notices on behalf of its members, both in writing and at a April 29 Public Hearing in Washington, D.C.
The long-anticipated NOPR for Energy Conservation Standards for Pumps was issued by the U.S. DOE on March 17. This 257-page document is now available for public review and comment. Also, the NOPR for the Test Procedures for Commercial and Industrial Pumps was issued by the U.S. DOE on March 13. This 270-page document is also available for public review and comment.
Copies of the notices, as well as new details and background on HI’s role in representing HI members and the pump industry on evolving regulations, are now available on the HI website at www.Pumps.org/DOERulemaking.
The public comment period closes 75 days after publication in the Federal Register for the Test NOPR and 60 days for the Efficiency NOPR.
HI has represented its members throughout the DOE rulemaking process since it began in 2011 and intends to organize pump industry input with and through HI members and to submit a summary of consolidated and consensus-based comments to the U.S. DOE, according to the announcement.
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Members of the Hydraulic Institute who have been actively involved in the creation of the new HI 40.6 Efficiency Testing for Rotodynamic Pumps standard, cited and referenced in the NOPR, along with HI members on the Appliance Standards Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ASRAC) Pump Working Group and other HI members involved in Pump Efficiency Rating (PER) metric analysis will work to review the NOPR and be prepared to submit comments to DOE during the hearing on April 29.
HI encourages all pump OEMs that manufacture clean water pumps included within the scope of the proposed rule to review the proposed rulemaking and engage in the process of responding at this stage of the DOE process.
Any HI member who is interested in actively participating in this review should contact Matt Zolnick, HI Standards Engineer at [email protected].