KROHNE announces the availability of its OPTIMASS Coriolis Mass Flowmeters for the chemical and process industries

(KROHNE release) — KROHNE, Inc. recently announced the availability of its OPTIMASS 6000, OPTIMASS 7000, OPTIMASS 1000 and OPTIMASS 2000 Coriolis mass flow sensors with the latest version of the compact or field mounted MFC 400 converters. Based on more than three decades of experience in developing innovative Coriolis meter technology, these devices are an ideal solution for all process measurement and custody transfer applications. They provide significant value where exact and repeatable measurements are crucial for industrial process efficiencies.
OPTIMASS flowmeters provide highly accurate mass, volume flow, and temperature measurement of liquids and gasses as well as density, and concentration measurement for liquids. A wide variety of sizes and materials ensures optimal performance in your applications. The sensor design results in a lower pressure drop which translates into energy savings and possible reduced meter sizes.
These flowmeters maintain operation over a wide range of gas volume fractions, even up to 100% with Entrained Gas Management (EGM), as a unique standard feature in each and every OPTIMASS. This permits the meter to operate in the presence of complex multiphase flowing conditions.
The OPTIMASS’ EGM capabilities maintains accurate and reliable measurement by withstanding the dynamic process conditions that might cause unexpected, entrained gas or liquids to come up in an otherwise homogeneous flow stream.
The OPTIMASS sensors also feature crosstalk and vibration immunity that allows for their installation in extremely tight spaces with no impact on measurement, which is ideal for skid mounted systems.
OPTIMASS meters are the only Coriolis mass flowmeters on the market allowing secure wireless access via Bluetooth® or remotely via HART in safety-related applications allowing for parameter changes or meter verification from a distance. OPTIMASS meters are rated to Safety Integrity level (SIL) 2/3. This means that the hardware is certified in SIL 2, whereas their software is certified in SIL 3. These devices can be used in a single channel mode (1oo1) in SIL 2 and in two channels mode (1oo2) in SIL 3 applications, the highest safety integrity level.
When it comes to combustion control in many process plant applications, the OPTIMASS 6400 helps overcome challenging gas mixture applications to provide superior measurement of natural gas and oxygen flows for optimal performance. Other applications of OPTIMASS Coriolis mass flowmeters range from chemical additives metering skids to pipeline monitoring or blending processes.
For applications such as custody transfer, OPTIMASS meters are among the most traceably accurate instruments in their class. They are fully NIST traceable and ideal custody transfer use, even on very large straight or bent tube configurations.
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