SpectronicsCorporation”s OIL-GLO™ 40 is a versatile, oil-based, fluorescent leakdetection dye that is formulated specifically for large industrialsystems. The dye is designed to accurately pinpoint leaks in allsynthetic- or petroleum-based fluid systems, including light-coloredhydraulic fluid, very dark or intensely blue hydraulic and lubricationfluids, compressor oil, engine oil, and gearbox oil. OIL-GLO 40contains more active ingredients per ounce than competitive dyes. Addthe dye to any oil-based system and allow it to circulate for 5 to 10minutes. Wherever there is a leak, the dye escapes with thesystem oil and remains at the site of the leak. Scan the system with aSpectroline® ultraviolet lamp and locate fluid leaks by its bright blueglow, which stands out from other leak detection dyes. OIL-GLO 40 canremain safely in the system for periodic re-checks — there’s no need toadd more dye until the oil is changed.