Amiad Filtration Systems”Automatic Disc Filter (ADF) is an automatic, self-cleaning, plasticdisc filter, which can be configured to meet any flow requirement andto handle various water qualities. The special design of theAmiad discs allows water to enter through an inlet pipe at the bottomof the filter housing. As the water enters the base of the filterchamber it passes through “fin plate” blades, which force the water toenter the filter chamber with a vortex effect. As the water swirlswithin the filter chamber, some of the dirt particles are forcedoutward and upward and collect on the wall of the upper part of thefilter chamber, where they remain until the next flushing cycle. The water flows from the outside of the disc stack to the inside,passing along the specially designed grooves on the surface of thediscs, which catch the suspended material. The stack of discs is heldcompressed by the piston on top. Clean filtered water flows out of thefilter from the center outlet. The controller, which may be set totrigger the cleaning cycle by pressure differential, time, or both,operates hydraulic valves in the inlet, which change the direction ofthe water flow in the filter. This reverse flow initiates the selfcleaning process. Clean water now enters from the center of the discelement. Water pressure acts on the piston, lifting it from the stackof discs, allowing the discs to separate from one another. Rowsof high-pressure water jets direct a spray onto the discs, which blastssuspended material off of them and spins the stack of discs, throwingdirt and flush water outward by centrifugal action. This flushing alsocarries away suspended material which has accumulated outside of thestack as a result of the vortex cleaning effect. The flush waterpasses out of the filter to the drain manifold. At the end of the flushcycle, the direction of water reverses again, the piston compresses thestack of discs, and the water flows in the filtering mode. A flushcycle is then initiated in the next filter in the battery.